Did you know that sleep is not the only form of rest you need?

While many of us associate rest solely with sleep, there are actually various forms of rest that contribute to our overall well-being. Each type of rest addresses different aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional needs and each area needs to be fulfilled in order for us to feel fully rested. Do you find that even though you are getting sufficient amounts of sleep you are still always tired? Well this may be because you are not resting all 7 areas of rest that are needed in order to recharge and rejuvenate yourself fully. Keep reading to find out what the seven areas of rest are and how you can incorporate them into your life to live a more balanced, and rested life.
1. Physical Rest
Physical rest is considered the most well-known form of rest, as we generally associate sleep with physical rest. However, physical rest is actually divided into two components: passive and active. Passive physical rest entails getting high-quality sleep whereas active rest comprises things that restore our bodies, such as stretching, yoga, or massage therapy. Overall, physical rest involves rejuvenating our bodies which helps in enhancing our physical well-being and quality of life.
2. Mental Rest
Mental rest involves giving our minds a break from the never-ending stream of thoughts, decisions and information processing we do everyday. Our minds are constantly engaged and in overdrive in our fast-paced, technology focused world, so this form of rest is exceptionally important. Mental rest includes but is not limited to, taking plenty of breaks throughout the workday, taking a walk in nature, disconnecting from technology, or practicing meditation. When individuals do not engage in mental rest it can lead to burnout, fatigue, low concentration, and enhanced difficulty completing tasks. By allowing ourselves mental rest, we enhance our cognitive abilities and promote mental clarity - so be sure to give your mind its much needed rest!
3. Spiritual Rest
Spiritual rest focuses on nourishing our inner selves and finding meaning beyond the material world. This form of rest involves engaging in activities that resonate with our personal beliefs, values and purpose. Spiritual rest helps us to feel relaxed, connected, and at peace. There are many ways to practice spiritual rest such as practicing self-love and acceptance, meditating, practicing gratitude, and engaging in self-reflection. Everyone's spiritual rest can look different so it is important to find what works for you to get the most out of this form of rest.
4. Emotional Rest
Emotional rest is about nurturing and replenishing our emotional well-being. Emotional rest does not mean avoiding your emotions, it actually involves giving yourself the time and space to recognize and process them. This form of rest is imperative in reducing stress, lowering anxious thoughts and helping us feel less overwhelmed. Emotional rest can be accomplished in many ways, such as engaging in activities that bring joy, practicing self-compassion, honouring your boundaries, spending quality time with loved ones, or seeking professional support when needed. It is vital to take care of your emotional needs to avoid emotional exhaustion and to take care of your overall mental well-being.
5. Sensory Rest
Sensory rest involves reducing the exposure to external stimuli that can be overstimulating. This is especially needed in today's day in age, as our modern world bombards us with sensory input, overwhelming our senses and leading to sensory overload. To avoid sensory overload, you can turn off your notifications, spend time in quiet environments, take frequent breaks from screens, bright lights, or loud noises. This helps to create a more calming, and peaceful state and leads to an improved sense of well-being.
6. Social Rest
Social rest recognizes the importance of healthy boundaries, and alone time. While human connection and socialization is vital, constantly being in the presence of others can be draining for some individuals. Social rest involves taking time for yourself, engaging in solitary activities and prioritizing self-care. Social rest can also entail surrounding yourself with individuals who are positive and supportive, rather than maintaining relationships that feel exhausting. This form of rest allow us to recharge, preserve our energy, strengthen relationships and also maintain a healthy balance between socializing and personal time.
7. Creative Rest
Creative rest involves stepping away from your usual creative pursuits and allowing your mind to wander. Individuals may not realize they need this form of rest as often people do not see themselves as being creative, but if you are always problem solving, brainstorming ideas, or planning events, you are using your creativity. In order to prevent burnout, spark new ideas, and continue being innovative we need to partake in creative rest. This can entail taking a break from the project you are working on, exploring new hobbies, finding inspiration in different environments, or by taking in the beauty of the outdoors.
The Importance of Rest
While all of these forms of rest may seem unnecessary for you, in order to feel fully rested each individual needs all seven forms of rest! Integrating these types of rest into your daily routine may initially require some conscious effort if you do not already practice these forms of rest, but the rewards are immeasurable. It is also important to remember that each type of rest can look different for everyone, and it is imperative to listen to your body and mind to determine what works best for you. Now it's time to embrace the power of rest and give yourself permission to pause, recharge, and lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.